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Agua Calientes: 1 day til Machu Picchu

Got on the train this morning to Agua Calientes and will go to Machu Picchu tomorrow. I am tired at this point and let the company that organized my Choquiquerao trek organize everything for me, including getting my ticket to Machu Picchu.  It seems to be a good decision so far. 

It´s interesting to be in a little town that has no cars, only the buses that shuttle tourists from the town up the hill to Machu Picchu and is only accessible by train.  I like it.

The hostel tried to interest me in going to some hot springs, an orchid museum and some waterfalls today, but I already had a plan.  My guide for Choquiquerao told me that the climb up to Putucusi, a mountain just outside of town, would offer me some of the most amazing views of Machu Picchu.  It turns out he was right!   … but I have to WARN anyone that decides to use my post as a guide for what to do in Agua Calientes.  I would not recommend this climb for anyone who is not familiar with rock climbing.  This is simply because I only think that through having climbed, did I realize how scared I was supposed to be on one section of the climb and also fully realize just how much I needed to hold onto the metal cable next to the slab.

The "climb" up to Putucusi


The reward though was amazing.  This was the first time that I have been in a “tourist” place in Peru and have been entirely alone.  I only saw four people during my hike and had the peak all to myself for nearly two hours!

Looking down on Aguas Calientes


It was pretty amazing to just sit and relax for a bit and comtemplate the (amazing!) view infront of me!







Pretty excited for tomorrow!

Ms. Bruck

One response

  1. I am loving your blog. Its one of my dream destinations.

    August 11, 2011 at 7:06 am

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